viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

Factors affecting the use of ICT by teachers.

Factors affecting the use of ICT by teachers.

The studies reveal a number of factors that influence teachers' decisions to use ICT in the classroom: access to resources, software and hardware quality, ease of use, incentives to change, support and collegiality in their school policies, School and national levels; Professional learning and formal computer training.It is commonly divided into sections that examine:O factors that discourage teachers from using technology;Or schools as organizations;Or factors that encourage teachers to use technology;The role of the teacher in relation to ICT and its effect on pedagogy;Or teachers learn to integrate technology into their teaching.Often teachers are being outdone by the way the world is changing and inhibitors for an update in teaching are increasing. Sometimes it is just laziness on their part, sometimes it is a poor improvement of technologies in the classroom due to the polycies school or the flight of teachers specializing in the use of ICT.

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