martes, 28 de marzo de 2017
ICT in the service of Multiculturalism
There are many problems involved with applying the contact hypothesis through face-to-face contact.
1. Logistics of group meetings
2. The need to meet with another group from a nearby or easily accessible geographical location
3. Growing transportation costs
Conditions for successful contact between two or more groups:
1. Equal-group status within the situation
2. Common goals
There is a change in how an individual relates to another individual from a different cultural group
Contact Hypothesis
-Lays down the conditions for successful contact between two or more groups
-Knowledge of differences between groups is not in itself enough to stop prejudice.
The Online Inter-group Contact Hypothesis model is based on an extension of the contact hypothesis. Its aim is to adapt the original contact hypothesis
In order for the model to work, the project must meet a number of conditions:
1. Be fully supported by each participating institution
2. Involve collaboration among groups rather than among individuals
3. Deal with general subjects and not with conflicts
martes, 14 de marzo de 2017
ICT, Education, Transformation, and Economic Development
Ict are made about the availability and access of all teachers and students trough traditional Internet
devices , software and digital resources for research
Five sorts of research are reviewed in
this article
- Macroeconomic
- Microeconomic
- Labor market
- Studies showing patterns of the everyday ICT use in American life
- Studies showing American schools are not using Ict
Microeconomic Trends changes in business organization and practices
Ict has contributed to economic change not just through the growth of the information product services sectors.
As a result of networked collaboration, companies are defining and solving problems.
The internet was cited as an information source.
- It has fostered fundamental changes in how business is done across a range of economic sectors.
- Microeconomic studies confirm the impact of ICT on business practice.
- Productivity increases come by using ICT.
How ICT enabling the collaboration and cordination of workers?
- Between companies and their customers for example: Walt-Mart uses ICT to track goods, frade information with suppliers.
Labor Market Trends: need a different skill set
jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017
Services with everything
A fundamental transformation of services
is underway, driven by
developments in information and communications technology (ICT) tools,
the uses to which they are being put, and the networks on which they
The algorithmic revolution transforms activities.
The transformation of services with ICT tools is dramatic,pervasive, and
far-reaching. Activities are transformed, firms are turning to services
in pursuit of value, and traditional boundaries are breaking down
between products and services, manufacturing and services, and
traditional industrial sectors.
As ICT tools enabled advances in materials science, leading to a
proliferation of new materials engineered for specific tasks, firms such
as Airbus, Audi, and Ford turned outside their organizations for
sophisticated knowledge and tools to work with the new material .The
constant evolution and growing power of ICT tools constantly increases
the range of services that can be ―transformed‖ into automated or hybrid
Services are a form of production ever more supported by information
They include:
- Conectivity
- People
- Goverment
Translation and technology
The integration of technology into the translation has changed the way translator follows during the translation process.
These new ways that are different from models of the
traditional translation have also facilitated what translators
do since they have accelarated the translation process and increased productivity as well as developing teamwork skill.
These new ways that are different from models of the
traditional translation have also facilitated what translators
do since they have accelarated the translation process and increased productivity as well as developing teamwork skill.
With the integration of the technology into the tranlation teaching and
translation studies, translators have started knowing and understanding
how they can separate translatable parts of a text from untranslatable
ones in software programs in order to avoid erroneous translations which
can delay the release of the product. Information mining or having
knowledge of the entire subject matterin the digital age is not as
important as acquiring or understanding the skills/tasks metioned above
because the former can now be provided by translation memories (TM
systems)or other CAT tools for translators or translation students.
martes, 7 de marzo de 2017
UNESCO ICTS Competency Framework for Teachers
The framework of the project
In view of the importance of ICT for education, UNESCO, in close collaboration with its partners
UNESCO's education policies
The framework project: linking education in ICT and the economy
The ICT-CFT project covers the objectives of these education programs and UNESCOS and the United Nations Educational
ICT-CFT supports these programs
Three factors of economic growth
Intensification of capital
The ability of the workforce to use
Higher quality workmanship
Technological innovation
Framework approaches
Technological literacy
Deepening knowledge
Knowledge creation
The six aspects of a teacher's work
Understanding ICTS in education
Curriculum and assessment
Organization and administration
Professional Learning Teacher
Education reform.
Technological literacy
In the early stages of development
In view of the importance of ICT for education, UNESCO, in close collaboration with its partners
UNESCO's education policies
The framework project: linking education in ICT and the economy
The ICT-CFT project covers the objectives of these education programs and UNESCOS and the United Nations Educational
ICT-CFT supports these programs
Three factors of economic growth
Intensification of capital
The ability of the workforce to use
Higher quality workmanship
Technological innovation
Framework approaches
Technological literacy
Deepening knowledge
Knowledge creation
The six aspects of a teacher's work
Understanding ICTS in education
Curriculum and assessment
Organization and administration
Professional Learning Teacher
Education reform.
Technological literacy
In the early stages of development
An Effective Use of ICT for education and learning by drawing
The use of ICT cause an effect in teaching and learning and this process could be separated into:

- Education
- Reading
- Writing
- Numeracy
ICTs for education refers to the development of information and communications technology specifically for teaching/learning purposes, while the ICTs in education involves the adoption of general components of information and communication technologies in the teaching learning process, it can affect the delivery of education and enable wider access to the same. In addition, it will increase flexibility so that learners can access the education regardless of time and geographical barriers. It can influence the way students are taught and how they learn.
martes, 28 de febrero de 2017
Processes, performance drivers and ICT tools in human resources management.
Human resource management.
-Armstrong's handbook of human resource."Human resource management is the management of human resources. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives."

Performance drivers
Anything that could materially affect either a company's earnings or the price of its stock. Every company will have its own unique drivers, although some of the most common drivers include:
-The release of a new product or service
-New financing
-Commodity or resource prices
-Activities of competitors
-Prospects of a particular division of a company
Anything that could materially affect either a company's earnings or the price of its stock. Every company will have its own unique drivers, although some of the most common drivers include:
-The release of a new product or service
-New financing
-Commodity or resource prices
-Activities of competitors
-Prospects of a particular division of a company
6 keys qualities of an HR manager
1. Organization
2. Ethics
3. Problems solving
4. Leadership
5. Communication
6. Expertise
1. Organization
2. Ethics
3. Problems solving
4. Leadership
5. Communication
6. Expertise
jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017
The new ICTs and translation competence
The translation now
Competence: Translation competence is
the ability to carry out the transfer process from the comprehension
of the second language adquisition.
Model of translation competence that is
required to be able to translate
It is an expert knowledge and its not
processed by all bilinguals.
It is basically procedural (and not
declarative) knowledge.
The bilingual sub competence: consist
of the underlying systems of knowledge and skills that are needed for
linguistics, communication to take place in two languages.
There is a wide range of ICT available
to tranlators today. Among the general applications or tools, we have
the internet.
General ICT's for translators
The internet: one of the most important tools offered are the search and location information engines. (Google, yahoo, bing)The use of corpus linguistics: corpora are classified in two types: the monolingual corpora and the bilingual corpora.Concordance generator programs: can find all the times that a certain term appears in a text. Machine translation: a computer program analyzes a source text and produces a target text without human futher intervention.Computer assisted translation: is a form of translation wherein a human translator creates a target text with the assistence of a computer program.Main phases of translation process:
- The reception phase.
- The transfer phase.
- The formulation phase.
viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017
Factors affecting the use of ICT by teachers.
Factors affecting the use of ICT by teachers.
The studies reveal a number of factors that influence teachers' decisions to use ICT in the classroom: access to resources, software and hardware quality, ease of use, incentives to change, support and collegiality in their school policies, School and national levels; Professional learning and formal computer training.It is commonly divided into sections that examine:O factors that discourage teachers from using technology;Or schools as organizations;Or factors that encourage teachers to use technology;The role of the teacher in relation to ICT and its effect on pedagogy;Or teachers learn to integrate technology into their teaching.Often teachers are being outdone by the way the world is changing and inhibitors for an update in teaching are increasing. Sometimes it is just laziness on their part, sometimes it is a poor improvement of technologies in the classroom due to the polycies school or the flight of teachers specializing in the use of ICT.
The studies reveal a number of factors that influence teachers' decisions to use ICT in the classroom: access to resources, software and hardware quality, ease of use, incentives to change, support and collegiality in their school policies, School and national levels; Professional learning and formal computer training.It is commonly divided into sections that examine:O factors that discourage teachers from using technology;Or schools as organizations;Or factors that encourage teachers to use technology;The role of the teacher in relation to ICT and its effect on pedagogy;Or teachers learn to integrate technology into their teaching.Often teachers are being outdone by the way the world is changing and inhibitors for an update in teaching are increasing. Sometimes it is just laziness on their part, sometimes it is a poor improvement of technologies in the classroom due to the polycies school or the flight of teachers specializing in the use of ICT.
The role of the ICT sector in expanding economic opportunity
ICTs are the pioneers in meeting needs. Technology only increases productivity when it is available to many.
The fundamental role of ICTs in the modern economy.
Reduce transaction costs and improve productivity
Provide immediate connectivity
The Business Case for Engagement
ICT companies to help the poor get rich is the opportunity
Innovation blow back: when something is created and innovated
Business strategies for the ICT sector in the expansion of economic opportunity
The most important way for ICT companies to expand their economic opportunities is to enable technologies to develop while driving the development and diversification of relevant content, applications and services.
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017
ICT for Translation and Interpretation
In 2010 the Paris Declaration, the European institutions anticipate that in the next ten years from the decline of qualified linguistics. Industries are concerned about this lack of skills because they represent an average loss of € 325,000 per business.
The answer is beyond education, but there are some difficulties in most learning methods. John Dewey (1859 - 1952), American philosopher, psychologist, and
Educational reformer. He is one of the primary figures associated with
The philosophy of pragmatism is considered one of the parents
From functional psychology. As Dewey's experience is vital in the learning process, but for the experience to be valid, the activities must be authentic.
Information and communication technology
Information and communication technologyToday we are using ICT without asking if it is what it is doing. As
a basic rule for the use of technology that ICTs 4C, those rules do not
allow us to see that it is not just how to post a photo on Facebook and
make everyone see it, how to search and reach Reality Valuable information, sotrage and sharing.4C of ICT1. Computing2. Connectivity3. Content4. CapacityICT and developmentGoal: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, universal primary
education, pledge gender equality and empower women, reduce child
mortality, ensure environmental sustainabilityRole
of ICTs: Access market information and reduce transaction costs,
increase the supply of trained teachers and expand the availability of
quality educational materials, and provide targeted literacy and
education programs.
martes, 7 de febrero de 2017
Electronic Era
Electronic Era
Some have
begun to call it the Information Revolution. Technological changes
brought dramatic new options to Americans living in the 1990s. From the
beginning of the decade until the end, new forms of entertainment,
commerce, research, work, and communication became commonplace in the
United States. The driving force behind much of this change was an
innovation popularly known as the Internet.
computers had become widespread by the end of the 1980s. Also available
was the ability to connect these computers over local or even national
networks. Through a device called a modem, individual users could link
their computer to a wealth of information using conventional phone
lines. What lay beyond the individual computer was a vast domain of
information known as cyberspace.
The INTERNET was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In the case of an attack, military advisers suggested the advantage of being able to operate one computer from another terminal. In the early days, the Internet was used mainly by scientists to communicate with other scientists. The Internet remained under government control until 1984.
Electromechanica Era
Electromechanical Era
The discovery of ways to harness electricity was the key advance made
during this periods. Knowledge and information could now be converted
into electrical impulses. The beginnings of telecommunication. The
telegraph ( Invented By Samuel F.J. Morse) created the character of our current information age. It
broke the connection between communication and transportation. Prior to
the telegraph, the speed of communication was the speed of a
train--about 35 miles per hour! The telegraph dropped it to just a few
seconds: point A to point B in an electronic pulse! With it a new
experience was unfolding: information was no longer just local and
rooted in immediate context. Instead, ideas and news were now presented
in what Shane Hipps called in his book The Hidden Power of Electronic
Culture “a mosaic of unrelated data points with not apparent

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Telegraph |
Mechanical Era
Mechanical Era
Can be defined as the time between 1450 and 1840.The idea of using machines to solve mathematical problems can be traced at least as far as the early 17th century. Mathematicians who designed and implemented calculators that were capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division included Wilhelm Schickhard, Blaise Pascal, and Gottfried Leibnitz.
The first multipurpose, i.e. programmable, computing device was probably Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, which was begun in 1823 but never completed. A more ambitious machine was the Analytical Engine. It was designed in 1842, but unfortunately it also was only partially completed by Babbage. Babbage. was truly a man ahead of his time: many historians think the major reason he was unable to complete these projects was the fact that the technology of the day was not reliable enough. In spite of never building a complete working machine, Babbage and his colleagues, most notably Ada, Countess of Lovelace, recognized several important programming techniques, including conditional branches, iterative loops and index.
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Arithmetic Machine |
Premechanical Era
Premechanical Era
The premechanical age is the earliest age of information technology. It
can be defined as the time between 3000B.C. and 1450A.D. We are talking
about a long time ago. When humans first started communicating they
would try to use language or simple picture drawings known as
petroglyths which were usually carved in rock. Early alphabets were
developed such as the Phoenician alphabet.
Time which various systems were made that didn't need any mechanical
effort, so it is called the pre-mechanical age of computers.
-Input tecnologies
Write their symbols in a kind of stone (like a wall)
Papyrus (paper made of plants)
Paper rag.
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Petroglyph |
jueves, 26 de enero de 2017
The ICT's and the digital gap in Mexico
The use of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Mexico is a
double-edged sword, since, on the one hand, it gives us easy access to
everything that happens in the country quickly and comfortably, but the
knowledge that We can get to get from them is not quite true. We may find yellow means that distort information and others that simply hide it; ICTs
are used continuously as a means of distraction instead of their main
priority: the dissemination of information and knowledge.
Mexico, faced with a precarious situation, both economically and socially, is widely divided by the digital divide created by the use of ICT. There is a separation between "rich" and "poor" (or, in other words, those with access to ICTs and those who do not) is merely ideological since those who lack access to these tools live ignoring most of the Things that happen outside their localities, while those who have information and knowledge are saturated by information, poorly retaining the hard data but efficiently storing everything that becomes comic or easy to digest without Whether it is true or not.
The lack of feedback from ICT users is one of the main causes of disinformation, along with junk content. In this way the average population would fall outside the definition of 'knowledge societies', since you are those who store and manage knowledge efficiently.
Mexico, faced with a precarious situation, both economically and socially, is widely divided by the digital divide created by the use of ICT. There is a separation between "rich" and "poor" (or, in other words, those with access to ICTs and those who do not) is merely ideological since those who lack access to these tools live ignoring most of the Things that happen outside their localities, while those who have information and knowledge are saturated by information, poorly retaining the hard data but efficiently storing everything that becomes comic or easy to digest without Whether it is true or not.
The lack of feedback from ICT users is one of the main causes of disinformation, along with junk content. In this way the average population would fall outside the definition of 'knowledge societies', since you are those who store and manage knowledge efficiently.
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